St Austell Canoe Club

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News and Events - News Item

Isles of Scilly trip 2025
Saturday, 23rd August 2025
Venue: St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly

Isles of Scilly trip 2025.

Following successful trips in 2023 and 2024, another SACC trip to the Isles of Scilly is being arranged for next year:

When: Saturday 16th August to Saturday 23rd August 2025

Where: 'Sea View' area of Pelistry campsite, on St Mary's.

If you are interested in joining the trip, please register by filling in your details on the form here.  No firm commitment at this stage - I just need to get an idea of numbers. If we have enough to make the trip viable, then I'll ask for a deposit by the end of October, with balance in May. This trip is primarily for SACC members, but non-kayaking partners/guests are very welcome subject to space.

Costs is anticipated to be similar to this year - £325 per person, including return ferry, transport of kayaks, camping gear and camping.

Any questions - just ask.

07824 555519

Contact: John Denyer
Posted by: John.D 27-09-2024